The Mindful Way Workbook: An 8-week program to Free Yourself from Depression and Emotional Distress
John Teasdale, Mark Williams, Zindel Segal, Jon Kabat-Zinn, The Guilford Press, 2014

The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness

Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindal Segal, Jon Kabat-Zinn, The Guilford Press, 2007

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Depression
Second Edition
Zindel Segal, Mark Williams, John Teasdale, The Guilford Press, 2012

Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha
Tara Brach, Bantam Books, 2004

Loving Kindness, The Revolutionary Art of Happiness

Sharon Salzberg, Shambhala Publications, 2002


When Things Fall Apart, Heart Advice for Difficult Times
Pema Chodrin, Shambhala Publications, 1997

Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness

Rick Hanson, Forrest Hanson, Harmony Books, 2018

Hardwiring Happiness, The New Brain Science of Contentment Calm and Confidence

Rick Hanson, Harmony Books, 2013

The Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom

Rick Hanson, New Harbinger Publications, 2009

Coming to Our Senses: Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness

Jon Kabat-Zinn, Hachette Books, 2006

Insight  Meditation, The Practice of Freedom
Joseph Goldstein, Shambhala Publications

The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation
Thich Nhat Hanh, Beacon Press 1999